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Colloquium Assignments - Field Trips

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Getting to the Bus

Field Trip Release and Medical Form


Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

Estuary Field Trip

Detailed Instructions for the Estuary Trip

ECHO (Networking Global Hunger Solutions)

Downtown Fort Myers   


Covanta Energy - Lee County Facility

Extra Field trip opportunities:

Estero River (2010):

(photo credit Sam Seitz)

You can create a journal entry by reflecting on an additional field trip of your choosing.

Agriculture Alternative field trip

Northwest Collier and Southwest Lee County are home to the lands that drain into the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary.  Just 25 miles east of the FGCU campus you can explore functioning agriculture farms that provide citrus and vegetables for the world, and see what it is like to live and work there.  Take the trip of a lifetime to experience these remarkable sites.
During this field trip you will have the opportunity to walk and talk about citrus (and/or vegetable) culture among the trees (or in the fields). We'll be provided with informed about economics, soil conservation, water quality and quantity issues.  We’ll hear about how farmers treat for pests and fertilizers, and may learn about any genetically modified organisms being implemented in south Florida.  You will have the opportunity to learn about issues of lands being turned to residential development - sustainability, of agriculture as a viable economic contributor etc.
The trip includes a 40-60 minutes guided trip at IFAS or an Immokalee farm and an addition 40-60 minutes with the Immokalee Farm Workers group where we will have the opportunity to stroll around their community, learn about how they live, what they earn, health risks and health care.
The Southwest Florida Research and Education Center is part of the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), Land Grant services of Collier County in Immokalee, Florida.
Collier County UF/IFAS Extension Education & Training Center
is located at 14700 Immokalee Road, Naples,  FL  34120-1468 
For instructions to IFAS see: http://swfrec.ifas.ufl.edu/map.htm
To get to the Farm workers Community:
Proceed from the IFAS and return to SR 82.  Go south into the town of Immokalee…


So much about this class is represented in this image- it is the intersection of Alico Road and Ben Hill Griffin Rd.  Note the dwarfed Panther crossing sign on the soon to be opened (2005 image) extension of Treeline Blvd., just up the road from FGCU. 

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    Last updated May 5, 2011
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